Wednesday, January 19, 2011

San Francisco and Oakland, here I come (if only for a brief visit)

Danielle Irissa Keiser 
is EXCITED for the following things 
(which do not occur in Germany):


Seeing my incredible, beautiful and love-saturated friends.
Lake Merrit (never thought I'd say that.)
California wine.
The Shears, the Bursells and the Kramers.
The Golden Gate Bridge. 
The rolling fog. 
Cecelia Bedelia the she-wolf princess superhuman.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show. 
Legit, fresh and delish sushi.
Margaritas and REAL Bloody Marys.
A Massage with Sara. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I'm such a bad blogger

I've been MIA for over a month - wtf? I am sorry I am such a bad blogger. 

Since turning in my 3 incredibly LONG papers for Jacobs, I've been traveling quite a bit. Alrik, a very good friend of mine, came to visit after never leaving the US. After a few cold days in Bremen, we spent New Years in Berlin, went back to Bremen (where I got the flu) then hung out in Barcelona. After that, I flew home to California where I have been for the past week. 

Some trip highlights: 


  • Martina took us to an adorable and affordable restaurant in the Schlakte called Schröters (this is a picture of the desserts we got: schokolade granache, johannesbeere sorbet and glüwine mousse.) 
  • Schüttinger's Happy Hour is still amazing (beers are 2 Euro from 5-7)
  • Jacob's University is so pretty when covered in snow


  • Weinachtsmarkt was SOOO wonderful! My friend Claudi and her bf Alex were great tour guides. 
  • Mexican food in Germany is not so wonderful, although Ta'Cabron tried. 
  • Fireworks are legal and crazy and scary and beautiful. 
  • Bars were open till 9AM. Shout out to Bar 11 ;)
  • Lots of Irish Coffee, lots of dönner
  • The Bundestag was heavily patrolled for the fear of a terrorist attack 
  • The temp. changed 11 degrees from one day to the next


  • DOES NOT DO BREAKFAST! There are no huevos or breaskfasty-like foods; only crossiants and coffee or teeny little baguettes with chorizo inside of them
  • Gaudi was a brilliant, crazy and magical architect. Sagrada Familia and Park Guell were unbelievable sights to behold. 
  • Tapas and wine at any time works for me. Especially when the wine is 10 Euro a bottle and shrimp croquettes and padron peppers are on the menu. 
  • The light fixtures/signs that line each street are so awesome. They really put a lot of thought and energy (literally) into lighting up the streets in beautiful and decorative ways. 
  • Botafumiero is the most expensive restaurant on the planet. Don't go there unless you are a bazillionaire. 
  • The market, La Boqueria, was simply marvelous. The way the fish, the figs, the fruits, the candies, were stacked, ready to buy and pretty much eat, was truly spectacular. I love fresh markets. 

Oh, and I'm totally over modern art. Although the Hamburger Bahnhoff in Berlin was interesting and the Miro Museu in Barcelona was unique, I've decided that I'm just not into modern art. I don't get it, and I'm over trying to.