Friday, July 1, 2011

Und der DOODLIN' Frühling beginnt!!

I am throughly sorry for being such a slacker. Everyone says "Dani, I love your blog, why don't you update it?" Like a neglected sore, I let it turn to gangrene. 

BUT, now, Dr. Keiser is here to heal the wound. 

First of all, I am faaaaaaantastic. Other than failing to update my blog, I am one happy camper because.... life is damn exciting in Europe!! I've been pretty diligent about updating on Facebook, so hopefully a few of you have been seeing my pictures and reading my quick posts. 

What Happened in Spring, Ms. Keiser? 

After returning back to Germany from California in January, I began my second semester at Jacobs University. There were some major departmental issues that threw us Global Visual Communication (GVC) Master's students for a spin, including the sudden sick leave of a primary Professor which really left us a bit in the cold. But, as adults do, we worked it out and ended up having a rather light course load for the semester which gave us the time and freedom to develop our research interests. In turn, I ended up working more as a research assistant  A close colleague of mine, Louise Elali (from Brazil) submitted our research on Google Doodles & Brand Anthropomorphism and the fluidity of Google's corporate visual identity, a topic which we presented on at a European Communications Conference in May in Covilha, Portugal. 

Spring in Bremen is a gorgeous sight to behold. Things start thawing, birds start singing, trees begin to bud little green ornaments and life in general gets better. 

Since the semester proved to be fairly light, I made traveling a main priority

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