Thursday, December 15, 2011

January - Barcelona, LA

In Germany you're always given a large plate of meat and potatoes and some mostly overcooked albeit tasty rotkohl (red cabbage) to consume. Barcelona's tapas culture is quite fascinating - I'd way rather choose 4-5 small plates than 1 large one.

It was near the Iglesia Santa Maria del Mar in the Born area of Catalonia that I fell in love with padron peppers

As someone who despises the very idea of a green bell pepper, I was delightfully surprised how the bitterness of these peppers had transitioned to a smokey, savory heaven. (with the help of some piecy, flat crunchy salt flakes). We also ordered shrimp croquettes in a garlic cream sauce, salami sticks and peppered cheese with walnets. And a Tempranillo, of course. 

I returned to California in mid-January for a brief visit to my family. 
Sushi is Los Angeles is a must - so I consulted one of my favorite sushi partners, Mr. Arash Davidi, and he took me to a divine little hole in the wall off Ventura Blvd. in Encino called Revolving Sushi Cho Cho San
Pictured here is the Double Double Rainbow roll.

I wanted to hang out with my cousins. So, a cookie creating content ensued. 

I think Keda won. 

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