Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Continental Contention

North & South America: One Continent or Two?

There has been a voracious debate going on betwixt friends here about the 
continental definitions of North and South America. 

I say it is TWO continents because of the logic of landmass. I was taught that there are 7 continents: Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Africa, Antarctica and Australia. This is confirmed by wikipedia, under the entry "continent": 

Other friends, primarily those from South America, think otherwise. They were taught that in fact they are ONE continent, as confirmed here by the spanish wikipedia, under the entry "Americas"

Continental models.gif

Can you weigh in?

1 comment:

  1. well in Europe I was taught that it is one continent, the Americas...and i wasn't paying attention in the U.S. lol
