Sunday, February 6, 2011

! Shout Out !

Yo yo yo yo! This is a shout out!!!

To: my Mom, brother, Grandpa, Auntie, cousins and family for being wonderful people who continuously give me love and make me feel super special in this world.

To my friends. I am blessed to have such extraordinary people in my life. You know who you are. 

To: 101 Cookbooks (more importantly Amanda Bradley) for introducing me to the Okonomiyaki, or the deeeeelicious Japanese Pizza which I like to impress people with ( This website is loaded with other tasty and healthy recipes (SF, represent!)

To: Martina, my host sister, for exposing me to all sorts of fun and interesting German traditions, like last nights's Kohl and Pinkelfarht tour!! An unforgettable route, meal, and dancing to a combination of German pop and American randoms (incl. Bryan Adams).

Clockwise: grönkohl (green cabbage), kartoffeln (potato), schwinefleish (pork slab?), bratwurst, pinkel (wheat mixed with bacongroats of oats or barleybeef suetpig lardonionssaltpepper and other spices. Think German haggis). 
The exact composition of the pinkel recipe is guarded as a trade secret by the different butchers and therefore varies from village to village.


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