Tuesday, December 20, 2011

March - Stockholm & Fish Soup

Besides in Bocas del Toro, Panama, where dolphins careen the Caribbean and old Panamanian men shuttle you around on water taxis, the best fish soup that will ever, ever grace your taste buds is in Stockholm, Sweden. 

This magical mixture of tomato, seafood, spice, and garlicky goodness can only be found at the underground market called Östermalms Saluhall. This place is the mecca of the fresh. The holy grail of Stockholm's finest (people and food). The ferry building of Sweden, if you will. 

Like a savory symphony of the sea dreams and cream, this soup was brimming with chunks of smoked fish and mussels, baby shrimp and garlic aioli. Complement that with a slice of fresh, crusty wheat sourdough and you've got Europe's best fish soup! 

Smaklig måltid!

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