Sunday, September 19, 2010

In Scotland...!

In Scotland:
  • The people are unbelievably friendly, warm and approachable, unlike in Germany :(
  • The sun was SHINING it's bright rays on Em and I!!! This is very unusual for Scotland...:)

  • They have incredibly good Indian food (yum-yum garlic chicken and coconut naan)
  • They have deep-fried Mars bars, however, I did not try one
  • I finally had an avocado again, and it brought me back to life
  • They eat beans with eggs for breakfast - it kinda reminded me of having Gallo Pinto in Costa Rica
  • Although is sounds nasty, Haggis, a dish containing sheep's 'pluck' (heartliver and lungs), minced with onionoatmealsuetspices, and salt, mixed with stock, and traditionally simmered in sheep's stomach for approximately three hours, is actually pretty tasty. Vegetarianism is so blase.
  • They like to drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, driiiink, driiiink drink!
  • I'm pretty sure the Lock Ness monster died, a long time ago.
  • There is a high rate of scurvy due to the fact that the Scottish, apparently, don't like to eat fruits and veggies
  • Ceilidh (pronounced kay-lee) dancing is definitely the most fun you'll ever have!!! Spinning, sweating, smiling! I felt like Rose from Titanic when she sneaks away from first class and goes to the steerage class and takes shots of whiskey and dances!! This isn't us, but we did this dance: 
  • There are castles! This is the historic Edinburgh Castle, a gigantic structure on the top of a hill. Here, Scotland's Crown Jewels are preserved. 

    (Other Observations) 
      • Infant Mary, Queen of Scotts, had a lot of power for being such a wee tot.
      • You can drive from one side of the country to the other in roughly 1 hour (WHOA!)
      • Instead of "Exit", they use the term "Way Out"
      • There are 2 people named Ginny and Joe who have hearts as big as the Atlantic and minds as sharp as diamonds - they let me stay with them and oh! they were so good to me!   
      Danielle Irissa Keiser, age 25, sitting on top of the United Kingdom.



      1. U can really see the UK?

        So u went couch surfing?
        can't wait to c u in class:P

      2. Danielle, aged 25, sitting on top of the UK.... such a classic time-stamped photo. It belongs in a historical photo book or collection... or book of a photo collection!
