Tuesday, September 7, 2010


  • IR (International Relations) people are unnecessarily intense, especially in a small classroom setting.
  • Germans do not make the best Zumba instructors, although I give them a lot of credit for trying.
  • My readers (the actual reading material for my classes) will crush me with their physical weight.
  • I love Doner Rollos ("doo-na"), aka Turkish Burritos, with LLLAMB
  • Shakira is extremely popular in Germany, as is Marzipan
  • Bulgarian women are gorgeous
  • Native German speakers have a hard time pronouncing "ths", as in "months", instead they just make is singular
  • I am stoked to turn 25 on Thursday!


  1. I can't wait to try a Doner Rollos, I can't help thinking of the Doner situation everytime you talk about them though...which is pretty crazy.

    Whoooooohooooo! 25 tomorrow, get ready to PAR-TAY!

  2. Happy Birthday to you, Dani!
    Sending love and kisses from your Unc and Aunt Pam XXXOOO
