Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Disconnected Points

(photo by vaibhav bajpai )

a. You Spin Me Right Round Baby, Right Round Like A Record Baby. Right Round Round Round.

b. I joined (rather, was elected) to be Activities Coordinator for the graduate student association. (GSA). It's interesting and crazy and awesome that I'm involved with student gov't again (takin' it back to the CES days, what what!).  Karin & I get to plan and implement all activities for the graduate students - starting with a meeting area / lounge makeover. And pumpkin carving, of course! 

c. Jacobs University = "flows of information", "data collection/sampling" "visual rhetoric and framing in comparative communication" taking over: presentation, paper, GSA meeting, paper, outline, event, paper, lounge renovation, rest, rejuvenate, go!

d. Articles on the CNN effect are taking over 16 windows in my browser. 

e. Illustrators can be authors. Tomorrow a PhD candidate is sharing her dissertation on her creation of a framework that allows illustrators to play more intrinsic roles in the creative processes of children's books, i.e. participatory comic books and active participation of text to images in story-telling formats. I'm really looking forward to this. 

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F**K!! I ordered new Miz Mooz boots! AH! Excited to be red-united (and it feels so good)! (thank you Lauren Frieband)

GREEN: I found CHARD today at the Farmer's Market!! Immediate brightening up of my day!

H. I have not had a proper cocktail in what seems like forever. This weekend necessitates one, fosh.

I. rode the ferris wheel, not once, but twice this week. It was magical being suspended in the chilly air, high atop the mist and lights of Bremen's Friemarkt (fair). 

J. I just am loving the strict and structured nature of German bureaucractic operations. psyche.

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