Wednesday, October 13, 2010

This is how life feels right now: 
(Alan Shear_C108_Orangey)

What I mean by that is that it is a wild portrait of overlapping complicated, emotional and beautiful experiences.

School has been very hectic - I am starting to do really interesting research projects and study fascinating topics in my classes. For instance, just today I: 
  • Studied the importance of focus groups in research methods and actually did a mini- focus group demonstration in class, the issue being "compliments" and their significance in relationships 
  • Began research on Google Doodles and how they help shape Google's fluid corporate visual identity
  • Studied the significance of news framing in photographic coverage of the Iraq War in major British vs. U.S. newspapers. 

On top of that, I am helping plan a year's worth of graduate activities that include:
  • A visit to a concentration camp
  • Monthly "Drink Around the World" Happy Hours (celebrating a different country each time)
  • Wine and Jazz night. 

I am feeling a bit homesick, particularly because my mom is in the hospital right now recovering from chemo-induced weaknesses on her respiratory system. It's been difficult to be far away from home, despite my many wonderful adventures in Europe, so far. Please keep my mom in your thoughts and send her your warm, wonderful recovery energy so that she can bounce back, better than ever, and eventually visit me here in beautiful Bremen. 

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