Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Sign

I found these rocks in Ashland, Oregon a few weeks ago, and they look exactly like a potato and a slice of sausage. Could this have been a sign that Germany was indeed the right place for me to go? 

What says you? 

Foreign Fruits

I met a girl here who has never eaten an avocado. 

She asked me to describe it, and it was difficult. Smooth, creamy green flesh - not sweet - but a fruit...? 

She also never had guacamole, and when I mentioned "salsa", she thought I meant the dancing style

How do you describe an avocado, guacamole, and salsa to someone who's never eaten it?

THESE are the experiences I was looking forward to.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


"Franziskaner (hefe) with banana juice is fucking delicious. I don't care what you say."

-Me (Danielle), last night

Bremen - City Center

A few days ago I went "downtown" to explore the city center, off the Hauptbahnoff (mail rail station). What I found was simply spectacular. 

There are many things inside of this train station, mainly fast food and little markets.

Bremen is known as the city of Town Musicians, represented by the animals from the Brother's Grim fairy tale. This symbol of the 4 animals standing on eachother's backs is EVERYWHERE in Bremen. 

Here is the Town Square, which is as magnificent as it is majestic. 

Although a side view, this is the statue of Roland. Bremen's Roland is one of the oldest and most impressive of the Roland statues which were erected in Germany during the Middle Ages as symbols of liberty and trading rights. 

How cool is all this??? I felt like a peasant (circa 1597) wandering these streets! Oh the glory!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

He's got the whole world, in his hands

Jacobs University is one of the most diverse universities worldwide. More than 75% of our students come from outside of Germany. This plurality allows our community to break down cultural barriers and create a community where no one group constitutes a majority. Instead, students from all over the world live and study together on our lush 100-acre campus.
Understanding the importance of role models who are as diverse as our student body, Jacobs University is committed to the development of a diverse international faculty and staff. Jacobs University does not discriminate on the basis of national or ethnic origin, color, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.

In my house alone:

- Ethiopia
- Zambia
- Argentina/Poland
- Germany
- Dani California 
(European American Mix)

Bremen - Vegesack and Grohn

Bremen is composed of many small areas. I live in Grohn. My school, Jacob's University (pronounced "YA-cobbs") is in Schonebeck-Grohn, close to a train. 20 minutes walking (5 by bus) is Vegesack where there is a Haven Hooft (a mall), tons of ship/boat motifs, and of course, the Harbor. 

And here is my street. This is what the houses look like here. (WOWZAS)

Here is a home business with the traditional Bremen Coat of Arms/signage.

Gorgeous entrance to Knoops Park, 1/4 mile from where I stay.

Knoops Park leads down towards the Lesum River...

...where there are park benches galore to sit

...and look out over the beautiful river (with wind energy mills in the background!)

Here are pictures of typical German residential street:

on the road to Vegesack

and near the park. 

Flammkucken with Martina

Flammkucken is the French's take on pizza. It is usually served on very thin dough with creme fraiche and onions, however, Martina and I wanted to do something a bit different. She's got many recipe books.

What came was a gastronomic adventure: Pears, Gorganzola, Radicchio, Mozzarella and Chives. YUM.

We also made Frikadelle, traditional German meatballs, which we served with the Ikea strogganoff sauce. Martina hated the sauce.

Bremen - A Short Background

My first few days here consisted of a., hanging out with my incredibly sweet host sister Martina, b., wandering the town of Bremen, and c., making friends from all over the world.

Bremen is relatively small in comparison to Hamburg, it's closest biggest city. It has 500-600,000 inhabitants. It is the home of Beck's Brewery and a very good Futbol (Soccer) Team.

Bremen, a 1,200 year-old Hanseatic (Port-trading-town), puts itself on the map as the pulsating, multifaceted heart of North West Germany. A popular hive of heritage, science, high technology and space industry keeps up breathtakingly pacy innovations. 

Goodbye California, Hello... Bremen?

So it is! The adventure I've been waiting for for so long has finally arrived! I quit my job at OneWorld, traveled the West and East Coasts of the USA, seen multitudes of family and friends, and had the best possible Talent Show Bon Voyage party imaginable! 

My friends, you did an EXCELLENT job on the mixed cds and artwork. Most notably is the picture Ryan Tovani drew for me of me (complete with oysters, butterflies, and of course, King Triton's Kingdom), Amanda Bradley's Phenomenal Cookbook, and Allie and Reena's insanely brilliant music mixes (Volumes I & II).