Thursday, August 26, 2010

Goodbye California, Hello... Bremen?

So it is! The adventure I've been waiting for for so long has finally arrived! I quit my job at OneWorld, traveled the West and East Coasts of the USA, seen multitudes of family and friends, and had the best possible Talent Show Bon Voyage party imaginable! 

My friends, you did an EXCELLENT job on the mixed cds and artwork. Most notably is the picture Ryan Tovani drew for me of me (complete with oysters, butterflies, and of course, King Triton's Kingdom), Amanda Bradley's Phenomenal Cookbook, and Allie and Reena's insanely brilliant music mixes (Volumes I & II). 


  1. This is a beautiful sight... Very impressive, informative and all around brilliant. If I must say so myself. I will be your number one follower ya know!

  2. Hello Dee! I know I already posted on later posts but I thought I'd come back and show love to this awesome, first post.

    It was pleasure to be a part of your summer adventure and I can't wait to hear more and more and more about this European one!

    And to any folks who may be sad that they missed the bon voyage talent are in luck! I captured all the performances on video and the performances will be uploaded to youtube, unless the performers request otherwise...

    Anyways, gutentacht!
