Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Campaign Speech

I am reviving my high school drive and am running for Activities Coordinator for the Graduate Student Association (GSA) here! It feels good to want something - and to write a campaign speech - telling people why they should vote for me! 

Here was my speech: 

Hallo, Hello, Hola y Salu,
My name is Danielle Keiser and I want to be one of the two Activities Coordinators you elect this year at Jacobs University. You came here today to find out why you should vote for me – I’ll tell you why. I bring people together.

WHY you ask, am I good at bringing people together?
I think it has to do where I’m from:
            Born and raised in California, I’ve been shaped by the multicultural meccas of LA and San Francisco and have lived, seen and breathed diversity in it’s fullest. In San Francisco, you can be black, gay, Muslim, communist, vegan (or all at the same time!) – ANYTHING – and you can be accepted for who you are and have a place to express yourself. It’s exactly this confluence of identities that brought me to Jacobs and it’s what has driven me to want to participate in the GSA. Life is more colorful when you are sharing similar experiences with different people and cultures in the same space. Life is more valuable when you learn from them. It’s your suggestions and your ideas that I want to learn about that will allow me to flourish as Activities Coordinator.

HOW, you ask, am I good at bringing people together?
Simply put, I am a natural hostess. I’ve always had a knack for party planning and just want you to have a good time! No matter the occasion, it is always my aim to make people feel welcome and to make sure they are having FUN. Everyone deserves to have fun, now matter how hard that lab report is to write, or how much reading you have to do! AlI I know is that I am happiest when the people around me are smiling because they are having a great time. My goal for all activities is to make fun #1, rain or… rain.

WHO am I good at bringing together?
Hopefully you! To Jacobs I bring three years of working in Advertising and Marketing managing campaigns that reached out to people of all backgrounds. Professionally, I’ve coordinated Focus Groups, Holiday Parties, Film Screenings and other events that have required extreme attention to detail. Personally, I’ve hosted tons of dinner parties, themed get-togethers and rallied people to go cultural outings! I’m always the one saying, “Let’s go camping! Want to go to the Wine and Jazz Festival? Come with me to the Farmer’s Market!”; my invites are endless, but I’m always the one making it happen!

Finally, HOW will I bring you together?
You name it and I will try to make it happen! Tired of beer breaks, well how about happy hour cocktail breaks? (limit 2 before 4 pm.) Themed movie nights – Horror, 80’s, Gangster movies? What about holidays? Who of you are going to be here and will want to be with others since you won’t be home? Let’s go to Freimarkt and see how Germany celebrates Christmas! The world is our oyster!

Vote for me so I can bring us all together!!!

Cross your fingers for me! 

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