Sunday, September 5, 2010

Get Off My Desk, You Dickhead!

Although clearly unrelated to my experiences here at Jacob's, I would like to introduce some of my Grandpa's artwork on my blog, especially since he and I spent so much time together this summer logging it all. Since my Masters will be in Global Visual Communication, I see this as a perfect opportunity to expose his work as well as utilize my skills and knowledge in the field. 

Alan Shear is a true original: he sees things like no one else. His art is saturated with bright, vivid colors and his zingy personality can be seen in each and every painting, drawing or photograph he has created. 

This is a DOODLE (a mosaic of small faces and colors in the background) with many, many different things happening. In a rare move, Al himself makes an appearance. He is not pleased.

Look closely, 
What do you see? 

Who do you see? 

What does this type of art make you think or feel and why? 


  1. I don't know if I can, but if I can, I should post a picture of the Al Shear that is sitting in my living room, its quite magnificent...
